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Wave Talkers Is Live

When I completed my upgrade to Amateur Extra in early August, I decided that I wanted to find a way to help others get their ham radio license and then upgrade to General and Extra Class.  Blogging about my own journey into Ham Radio was the first step, to let others know the reasons why getting an Amateur Radio license was still relevant and showing an example of how to go about.

Today I’m thrilled to announce that i’ve launched a new website designed to help you obtain your Technician Class License and then upgrade to General and Amateur Extra. The site is at http://wavetalkers.com

Multiple choice questions for the Technician exam are shown with the correct answers highlighted in green.As I was studying for my exams, the first thing i did was highlight all of the correct answers so I could focus exclusively on those answers. On Wave Talkers, I built this feature in for you, and have called it Quick Review.  All of the questions for a particular topic are listed and the correct answers are all automatically highlighted for you.  This is a great way to review right before your exam.

The other feature of Wave Talkers is the instant feedback for each question.  As you work through each topic area, you can click or tap on an answer and a popup will tell you if you are correct or need to try again.

Exam question showing a popup for the correct answer.Finally, I wanted to make the site as useful as possible so you could review the questions anytime, anywhere you happened to have few minutes.  Therefore the entire site has been designed first for use on any mobile phone, and it scales gracefully to a full desktop.

Next time you have a few spare minutes, rather than checking your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn feed, open Wave Talkers and review a couple of questions for your upcoming ham radio exam.

Good luck on your exam and if you have any questions, you can use the contact form on my website to reach me, or use the built in feedback form on Wave Talkers.

